Olivia Larson
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Tips For Decluttering Your Apartment

It's almost summer! Time to clean up your apartment and get rid of the things you no longer need.

Yes, many people like the idea of living an uncluttered and simplified lifestyle, but they hold onto to much stuff. Here are some tips to help you learn to declutter your apartment.

The reality is that decluttering is often easier said than done, and you might have trouble knowing where to begin your transformation. Here's a helpful perspective shift - instead of focusing on all the things you're going to get rid of, think about what you will gain by having less stuff, less clutter, in your life.

It's understandle that you might feel anxious, or possibly even stressed, throughout the decluttering process, so I am providing your with some great tips to help you with your decision making process.

Tip #1 - Get Rid of One Thing Each Day

For some people, decluttering their apartments is overwhelming if they have to do it quickly, like in a day or two. But if they spread out the task, and just get rid of one unneeded item per day, it can really make a big difference.

Here's what you do: every morning, when you wake up, find something that you no longer need or no longer enjoy looking at. Perhaps this is a decoration on the coffee table, or an article of clothing you haven't worn in a long time. Or maybe it's a small kitchen appliance that has outlived it usefulness. In any case, it's good for the soul to eliminate 365 items per year.

Tip #2 - Fill Up a Trash Bag

If getting rid of things one at a time doesn't fit your style, you can speed up the process by grabbing a sturdy trash bag and filling it with items that you want to donate. Then get a different trash bag for things you want to throw away.

By decluttering one trash bag at a time, you might find it easier to comprehend how much stuff you're letting go of. As you become more prolific in your decluttering, go ahead and grab larger trash bags or use more of them. You're in control here.

Top #3 - Focus On One Area at a Time

Don't make a mess of your apartment by picking things up randomly. Instead, it can be helpful to methodically address the various areas of your apartment that require decluttering.

For example, you can spend one day in your bedroom getting rid of what you no longer need. Then move on to your kitchen or living room. By focusing on only one area at a time, you will feel less overwhelmed and less stressed.

Tip #4 - Tough Choices Require Your Imagination

Perhaps you have some things which have been with you for many years. Maybe you have grown attached to them and will have a difficult time letting them go.

Instead of traumatizing yourself by putting it in the donation bag or trash, start out by giving yourself the opportunity to reconsider its worth in your life. Here are some questions you ask yourself...

  • If giving the opportunity today, would you by this thing?
  • If so, how much would you pay for it?

By answering these questions you might decide that you are not as attached to the item as much as you thought you were. Or you might decide this is something you should continue to hold onto.

Always remember that living a minimalist lifestyle requires letting go of certain things you have grown accustomed to over the years. The decluttering process might be stressful for you, but getting things out of your way can also make you a happier and healthier person in the long run.

I hope you can start looking at the the things you own differently when you consider the tips I have given you. Good luck!

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